Two simple tips to help ensure that your home continues to appreciate.

Are you holding on to your home? We want to help ensure your home continues to appreciate. Here are two great ways you can keep your home at a high value:

1. Stay on top of maintenance items. These include your HVAC, hot water tank, electrical, etc. If you don’t get regular maintenance, things can go bad and cause problems. As long as you keep up with your home maintenance, you won’t have to dish out a big sum of money when you eventually sell.

2. Style updates. Light fixtures or paint colors that were in style when you bought the house may now be considered outdated. We often see this when we walk through homes. Walk around your home and take note of what may be going out of style and add that to your to-do list.

Staying on top of those tips will help keep your home in good shape and grow your investment. If you’re moving to another state and want us to connect you to a vetted Realtor in that state, let us know. If you have any other questions, reach out to us by phone or email. We’re happy to help.