Here are our top three homebuyer preferences in today’s market.

With much of the population living their lives at home more than ever before, homebuyer preferences have changed. There are a ton of options to choose from, so today we’ll share the three most popular preferences that today’s buyers have:

1. More storage space. This has always been important to buyers, and in our COVID-adjusted world, storage space is practically gold. Custom built-ins are worth consideration, especially in closets that get a lot of use like those in primary bedrooms or front hallways. They go over extremely well with buyers.

2. Office space. Did you know that your home doesn’t necessarily need to have a dedicated, conventional office space to appeal to buyers who work from home? People in that segment of the market are seeking homes with good lighting and aesthetically pleasing backgrounds. Even though many places are opening back up, many people have adjusted to working from home, making viable office space very appealing.

“Custom built-ins go over extremely well with buyers.”

3. Outdoor space. Given that so many of us have spent record amounts of time indoors, we’re all craving fresh air and the ability to socialize with friends and family safely. This isn’t always a possibility for condo owners, but that’s why we recommend to them bringing touches of nature inside. You’d be surprised at how much plants can liven up a living space. If a balcony is all you have to work with, put maximum effort into sprucing it up. Don’t be afraid to get creative with your layout, but do be wary of installing permanent fixtures; as with many other homes, your tastes may not always resonate with the majority of buyers.

If you have any questions about home-buying trends or anything else to do with real estate, reach out to us. We’d love to help you.